Brookland Arts

Reading in Honor of Women Poets March 4, 2015

Natassja  Linzau reads from Irish women

Natassja Linzau reads from Irish women

The rain and the threat of bad weather did not keep Bawans and our fans from turning out for a reading to honor women poets.  We had a lovely warm room, some homemade cupcakes from our youngest member, Sabrina Linzau (also our BAWA photographer), and glasses of prosecco.  Our BAWA poets Natassja Linzau, Dan Vera, Susan Scheid and Peter Montgomery read from a number of their favorite women writers.  For a complete list of the poems and their authors see below.  We seemed to lean heavy on Jane Kenyon, Mary Oliver, Elizabeth Bishop and Anne Sexton.  But there is nothing wrong with that!  In addition, several local poets were represented as well (Sarah Browning, Kim Roberts, Gayle Danley, Natassaja Linzau and Susan Scheid).


Pete Montgomery explains his love of Mary Oliver's work.

Pete Montgomery explains his love of Mary Oliver’s work.

Susan Scheid reads "The Autobiography of Eve" by Ansel Elkins

Susan Scheid reads “The Autobiography of Eve” by Ansel Elkins

Dan Vera reads from Jane Kenyon

Dan Vera reads from Jane Kenyon


Cupcakes from March 4 reading

Cupcakes from March 4 reading

Poems from March 4, 2015 “Honoring Women Poets”


Read by Natassja Linzau

Singapore, Mary Oliver

Young, Anne Sexton

Those Times, Anne Sexton

The Journey, Mary Oliver

Emergence, Sarah Berkeley

We Share the Same Skin, Ruth Carr

The Wedding Dress, Lucy Brennan

The Wicked Witch Reaches Steps 8 and 9 (Wherein She Must Apologize and Make Amends to Those She Has Harmed), Susan Scheid

Beyond Your Reach Dear Robin, Thankful Halsey Gardner Grigg

Love as a Pair of Hand Knit Socks, Natassja Linzau

Read by Dan Vera

Let Evening Come, Jane Kenyon

The Shirt, Jane Kenyon

To Be of Use, Marge Piercy

Mrs. Midas, Carol Ann Duffy

Love Letter, Carol E. Gregory

Death is a Dialogue, Emily Dickinson

The Tilt, , Kim Roberts

The Streak, Jane Shore

Early Words for My Son, Laurie Ann Guerrero

Lines Written in the Fannie Farmer Cookbook, Elizabeth Bishop

One Art, Elizabeth Bishop

Read by Susan Scheid

The Autobiography of Eve, Ansel Elkins

Noah and Joan, Denise Duhamel

On My Triumphant Return to the DMV, Sarah Browning

What do Women Want, Kim Addonizio

What to Wear, Sheila Black

I Will Tell Her About Icarus, Patricia Davis

Ofrenda for my Mother (Ruth Margaret Scheid), Susan Scheid

The Talk, Gayle Danley

Goodbyes, Jillian Weiss

Read by Peter Montgomery

A Litany for Survival, Audre Lorde

Surprise, Jane Kenyon

Some Questions You Might Ask, Mary Oliver

March Mad –, May Sarton

Otherwise, Jane Kenyon

Goldenrod, Mary Oliver

Wild Geese, Mary Oliver